
by AVR1

Art & Design


”CHANGING” - THEATRICAL INTERACTIVE PROJECTA Yoana Bukovska–Davidova monospectacle, dramatization on the book “Changing” by the Norwegian actress Liv Ullmann. The monospectacle is dedicated to 100th anniversary of birth of Ingmar Bergman - director and to 80th anniversary of birth of Liv Ullmann - December 16, 2018.Yoana Bukovska-Davidova:"This theatrical interactive project is an attempt to recognize the individual in the proposed realities to unite the emotional scales of people who have become more and more inconsolable lately and somewhat nostalgically long for touching something bright, warm and inspiring as a shared feeling or experience.The show "Changing" has the ambition to immerse viewers and actress in a labyrinth of documentary endorsements sharing the most intimate revelations and insights into the life of a woman called actress. This is a performance for the Actress who has many faces for people, but no one really knows her own face, under the masks of the heroines or beyond manipulative illumination in the media. The book, and hence the spectacle is a deliberate, expulsion of the intimate space that lies behind the „Actor“ definition.An honest first-person narrative, the only one in which the boundaries between Yoana and Liv are blurred to dissolve into the confessional space of the Actress as a person."You do not just have to tell people the Truth. You have to make them believe it." This creative credo is the general intersection between Bergman, Ullmann and me as a philosophy of creative pursuits in the work of artists.Liv Ullmanns unique personality is a wise teacher and leader on the path of self-knowledge, which really begins when you realize that the constant position in the process called Life is that there is no constant - that everything is a continual Changing, and that is Life itself."Keywords: Promeniane, Promenqne, Promenyane, Promenjane***Application development and Augmented Reality technology: AVR1 []